Hello, my name is Phoebe.
I'm a front-end developer. You've stumbled upon my internet home and if you want to learn more about me, just keep on scrolling...
About me
I was born and educated in the U.K. Before entering the world of web development, I worked for over a decade at various universities in London. Throughout my career in Higher Education, I was a strong advocate of using technology and software to automate repetitive administrative tasks. So I decided to pursue a more technical career. I'm currently working full-time as a front-end developer at the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER).
Apart from my passion for learning the latest frontend technologies and frameworks, I also write for freeCodeCamp.org. You can read my articles on freeCodeCamp here.
In my spare time, I mentor early-career developers for The Collab Lab. The Collab Lab is a non-profit and their goal is to help under-represented folks break into the tech industry.
Aside from work, my two young children keep me occupied. But sometimes I manage to bake a cake or two during my spare time.
Freelance projects
A sample of some of my freelance projects below.
A multi-page marketing website. I did a complete redesign of Sri-Licious' website to bring it line with their updated branding.
Noah's Nursery
A multipage marketing website. I created a playful theme and design to compliment a children's nursery.
Nashauna Manboard
A single page marketing website for a life coach. The client wanted to stand out through a bold and colourful design.
Fun Projects
I've selected a few of my side projects below.
A calculator built with React.
Drum Machine
A drum machine built with React.
Pomodoro Clock
A pomodoro clock built with React.
Choropleth Map
A choropleth map created using the D3.js library.
Tree Map
A tree map created using the D3.js library.
Exercise Tracker
A full stack app using JavaScript, Node.js and MongoDB.
Technical Skills
Here are a few technologies I have worked with recently. Please checkout my LinkedIn profile for more details.
JavaScript ES6+
Get In Touch
If you want to say hello or would like to know more about my experience, please drop me an email. I will get back to you as soon as possible.